
Summer Camps

The Perfect Ten: Making Friends Can Be As Easy As 1, 2, 3!

Camp Overview for Parents and Professionals

What is Casey’s Camp?

Each day your child will be asked to participate in activities including brainstorming, role playing, dancing, playing games, conversing, doing art, problem solving, and more. There are two skills per day. As your child participates in the activities, he/she will earn a bead that represents completion. At the end of the week your child should have 10 beads and will earn a certificate of completion.

Between the first and second skill, campers will have a break we call the 3-G’s: Gab, Grub, Games. We provide the snack. You can contribute to the Casey’s Camp by reviewing the skills we learn each day. We encourage you to play games with your child and ask them to teach you what they learned in Casey’s Camp. Finally, give your child positive feedback on the skills they demonstrate as you observe the behaviors.

Daily Schedule:

Day 1 (Monday)

Skill 1 – Welcoming Friendship: Campers will learn how to approach other campers, which is an important aspect of social competency. For many children, it takes great courage to approach people and for others their enthusiastic approach can overwhelm other kids. Casey’s campers will learn the names of their fellow campers, introduce themselves, and then discover what they have in common.

Skill 2-Breaking the Ice: Campers will learn how to continue building friendship as they learn engagement skills that include friendly facial expressions, connected body language, and interactive conversation.

Day 2 (Tuesday)

Skill 3 – Qualities of Friendship: Campers will brainstorm what makes a good friend. Then they talk about their strengths and weakness as a friend and determine what skills they need to work on. Finally, they break into groups and role-play good friendship qualities.

Skill 4 – Motivation: Campers will determine their motivation to make and keep friends. What holds them back from making friends? What fears do they have when making friends? What encourages them to make friends? What do they like about friendship? Campers will work on a pro and con list and be individually challenged to face their fears and take risks with their new friends in the camp.

Day 3 (Wednesday)

Skill 5 – Self-Regulation: Campers will learn how to recognize their energy when they play and interact with other children. They will experience the up and down of their energy and learn skills to change their energy when it’s too high for the situation or too low for the situation.

Skill 6 – Empathy in Friendship: Campers will review their Qualities of Friendship list and then watch a few Pixar Shorts that demonstrate empathy in friendship. Camper will give examples of how the characters showed that they cared for their friend and for their friendship. Then campers will demonstrate them in role-playing games.

Day 4 (Thursday)

Skill 7 – Cooperation:  Campers will learn the 4-Square matrix and play the 4-Square game. Then they roll-play social problems to learn better ways to cooperate, communicate, and find solutions.

Skill 8 – Flexibility: Campers will learn how to identify problems so that they can identify small, occasional problems that they can handle with some flexibility. We learn this skill using our IT’S MONKEY solution–introducing perspective and flexibility. Campers then decoupage special animals that will help remind them that they can adapt to new things.

Day 5 (Friday)

Skill 9 – Awareness:Campers play an Awareness Game where members secretly change one thing on their person and other members had to guess what changes. Then we use guided dance to increase awareness of body, space, and others.

Skill 10 – Self-Esteem: Campers identify what makes them special, how to value themselves as individuals and as good friends to others and put those qualities on a shield. They give positive compliments to other members during the sweet and sour game. At the end, they will receive a certificate and their string of beads to take home.

Camp Dates/Times

2021 Casey’s Camp! Dates: July 19-23 and August 16-20 9 AM to Noon. To inquire email Maria Klots, LMHCA, at Location: Saint Edward State Park.


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Snack and Materials

Snacks and materials are provided.


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